Captura de Tela 2023-03-03 às 17.48.31

Frank Walter

Frank Walter

Mar  4 – Apr 20, 2023


Mar  4, 3 pm–6 pm


Rua James Holland 71
São Paulo



Press Release (PT)

Press Release (EN)

Essay by Barbara Paca (PT)

Essay by Barbara Paca (EN)

Essay by Kleber Amancio (PT)

Essay by Kleber Amancio (EN)

Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel is proud to announce the late Frank Walter’s (1926 – 2009) first exhibition in Brazil. His work has been established as one of the greatest in the Afro-Caribbean diaspora and recognized with a retrospective at the 57th Venice Biennial and major exhibitions in London, New York, Edinburgh, Frankfurt and Brussels. Apart from paintings, Walter produced wood carvings and wrote texts on aesthetics, politics, the relationship between man and nature, poems and opera. In his practice, he responded to motives in modern European art, explored cosmic space and painted environing Caribbean landscapes.


The works on view portray local horizons in Antigua and Barbuda, his native country, and spaces imagined by the artist. These small-scale paintings present a surprisingly expansive vision and elaborate compositional breadth. An acute observer of the natural world, Walter painted with what was at hand. His choice of small dimensions allowed him to work on his lap, on a desk or in the palm of his hand, as if taking notes. His landscapes, painted on the backs of photographs, reveal images of people and Antiguan hotels, making up a material register of Frank Walter’s memories.


The show is accompanied by an essay by Barbara Paca, curator and researcher responsible for Walter’s archive, catalog and estate, and a critical text by Kleber Amâncio, professor and historian.



Noteworthy solo exhibitions include By Land, Air, Home and Sea: The World of Frank Walter, David Zwirner Gallery, New York, USA (2022); Frank Walter’s Chessboard, Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, Belgium (2022); Music of the Spheres, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland (2021) and The Last Universal Man, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy (2017). His work is included in important collections, such as Glenstone Foundation, Potomac, USA; Harry David Art Collection, Athens/Lagos/Nicosia; Hiscox Art Collection, London, UK; The Joyner/Giuffrida Collection, San Francisco, USA; Pinault Collection, Paris, France; Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, USA; Museum Fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany; and the Rennie Collection, Vancouver, Canada.


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