
Carpintaria Para Todos

Aug 10-22, 2017


Rua Jardim Botânico 971,
Rio de Janeiro



Press release/Regulation (PT)

Press release/Regulation (EN)


Carpintaria Para Todos [Carpintaria For All] is a group show created according to a single criterion: the participants’ order of arrival. On August 10, from 10 am to 7 pm, Carpintaria (Rua Botânico Jardim 971, Rio de Janeiro) will be open to receive a work of art from anyone interested in showing their work. Without any curatorship, anyone can participate as long as they follow the specifications listed in the invitation posted on our site and on Carpintaria’s social media.

The project functions as a re-working of the event with the same title held in September 2012, at the Galpão do Liceu de Artes e Ofícios, parallel to the 30th São Paulo Biennial. The idea emerged when some professionals in the field of art came together with a common objective: to carry out an exhibition in which there is a suspension of values and hierarchies, thus creating an experimental space for collaboration, that operates within a network and that unfolds into multiple debates.

In order to achieve this, the group referred to the important figure of the American curator Walter Hopps (1932-2005), who developed, in his own words, a series of “unpredictable and irregular” projects between the 1960s and 70s. Always acting unconventionally in the contemporary art circuit of his time, Hopps was interested in working on other forms of curating art, and on other types of relation between public and private, thus tensioning the institutional sphere and the anarchic spirit of art. In the same way, it is relevant to highlight as inspiration such names as the historian and art critic Walter Zanini (1925-2013), whose work at the helm of MAC-USP, from 1963 to 1978, contributed significantly to expand the spaces of reflection and exhibition of art through ambitious exhibition projects such as JAC (Jovem Arte Contemporânea) [Young Contemporary Art]. Carpintaria Para Todos also dialogues with and joins the collaborative spirit of other artistic events that have taken place and are still happening in the city of Rio de Janeiro, such as the Zona Franca, Alfândega, Orlândia and Abre Alas exhibitions held more than a decade ago by A Gentil Carioca.

On Tuesday, August 22, starting at 7 pm, a conversation will take place between members of the voluntary committee and the artists participating in the project, focusing on collaborative exhibition practices in the national art scenes. The conversation will be punctuated by the showing of film excerpts, videos and various archival materials.

The organizers and volunteer collaborators of this project are: Alexandre Gabriel, Barrão, Bernardo Mosqueira, Daniela Corrêa Fortes, Eduardo Ortega, Isabel Diegues, Laura Mello, Luisa Duarte, Marcelo Campos, Márcia Fortes, Mari Stockler and Victor Gorgulho. The collaborators will be present at the exhibition site helping to receive the works and set up the show.




Check the Regulation in the Download section of this page.


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