SEV00056_Unaffordable Nice Places_1
SEV00056_Unaffordable Nice Places_2
SEV00048_Map Tongue One_1
SEV00050_Rituals Are Irrational and Helpful_1
SEV00049_Another Another Prayer Rug_1
SEV00049_Another Another Prayer Rug_2
SEV00055_A Scream_1
SEV00052_Made up Letters_1
SEV00052_Made up Letters_2
SEV00057_Archive of Slogans for Jac_1
SEV00057_Archive of Slogans for Jac_2
SEV00053_Shopping List for our Problems_1
SEV00053_Shopping List for our Problems_2
SEV00059_Shopping Chao_1
SEV00059_Shopping Chao_2
SEV00059_Shopping Chao_3
SEV00054_Drape Yourself in Vague Symbols and Myths_1
SEV00054_Drape Yourself in Vague Symbols and Myths_5
SEV00054_Drape Yourself in Vague Symbols and Myths_3
SEV00044_First Thought Best Thought_edit2
SEV00038_The World Beats Art-1
SEV00038_The World Beats Art-2
SEV00039_Moved My Rug-1
SEV00032_Selfish Prayer Rug-1
SEV00033_Repetition of the idea of the form-1
SEV00031_The Legend of Humor Mountain-1
SEV00031_The Legend of Humor Mountain-2