Ernesto Neto Plans to Transform Zurich’s Busiest Train Station Into a RainforestNews, Feb 19, 2018Artnet News
Bárbara Wagner e Benjamin de Búrca na Berlinale ShortsArticle, Feb 17, 2018Revista Continente
La tapisserie géante de Beatriz Milhazes transportée à dos d'homme dans les rues de FelletinNews, Feb 2, 2018Culture Box
Paula Rego and Adriana VarejãoReview, Feb 2, 2018Artforum
The Italian Cultural Institute presents Pietro Consagra and Marine HugonnierArticle, Jan 31, 2018The Glass Magazine
Conversa entre artistasNews, Jan 31, 2018Diário do Nordeste
Nuno Ramos estará na Mostra Internacional de TeatroNews, Jan 29, 2018O Estado de S. Paulo
Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA becomes a worldwide event as exhibitions prepare to hit the roadNews, Jan 24, 2018Los Angeles Times
Artistas brasileiros entram para acervo do MoMA, em Nova YorkNews, Jan 23, 2018Veja
Lynda Benglis, Erika Verzutti & Jesse WineNews, Jan 23, 2018Blouin Artinfo
Beatriz Milhazes, artiste brésilienne de grand renom, fait tisser sa première tapisserieNews, Jan 23, 2018Le Populaire
MoMa recebe obras de artistas brasileiros e latino-americanosNews, Jan 22, 2018O Estado de S. Paulo
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