1_2024-09-13_Claudia Casarino - Corte-069-Pano

Claudia Casarino


Sep 14 – Nov  9, 2024


Rua James Holland 71
São Paulo



Press release (PT)

Press release (EN)

Curatorial essay por Keyna Eleison (PT)

Curatorial essay por Keyna Eleison (EN)

Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel presents Corte, a solo exhibition by Paraguayan artist Claudia Casarino in São Paulo. Curated by Keyna Eleison, the show marks the artist’s return to the city after almost ten years and presents a panorama of her work, with new works and key sculptures in her repertoire. Casarino, who took part in the 54th Venice Biennale in the Latin American Pavilion of the Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano (IILA) in 2011, creates installations and objects with clothing and fabrics to articulate the mechanisms of disappearance and revelation of the female body in physical and social space. The voids in her work resonate with the stories and images of women affected by systems of structural violence and lend themselves to denaturalizing these oppressive devices.

In her recent investigations, Casarino has begun focusing on minimal gestures that often go unnoticed, such as the absence of pockets in women’s clothes—something premeditated and promoted by the patriarchal system that has always prevented the autonomy of feminized bodies. Through such paths, the artist approaches a poetics of the memory of fabric and clothing. In the curator’s words, “By bringing naturalized violence to light and making it visible through beauty, the artist challenges our perceptions and forces us to face the uncomfortable truths that clothe us.”

Her latest solo exhibitions include
La faena de habitar un contorno, Centro Cultural de la Ciudad Manzana de la Ribera, Asunción, Paraguay (2024); Desde el Umbral—Con esta boca, en este mundo, Fundación Migliorisi, Asunción, Paraguay (2023); Tan pequeño que [allí] cabía el mundo, María Casado, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2023); and Lo que nos mantiene vivos es la distancia, MuVIM—Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y la Modernidad, Valencia, Spain (2020).

In Brazil, the artist has taken part in four editions of the Bienal do Mercosul (2011, 2005, 2003, and 2001) in Curitiba, as well as in the group exhibition
Os Mágicos Olhos das Américas at Museu Afro Brasil (2009) in São Paulo.

Her works can be found in important public collections, such as The Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK; The Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA; Casa de América y Museo Wifredo Lam de La Habana, Havana, Cuba; Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands; and Museo del Barro, Asunción, Paraguay, among others.


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