Corpos terrestres, corpos celestes
Jan 30 – Apr 12, 2025
Special project
The exhibition Corpos Terrestres, Corpos Celestes [Terrestrial Bodies, Celestial Bodies], a partnership between Galatea and Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, sets off a series of collaborations with other galleries at Galatea’s location in Salvador. The show proposes a dialog between Miguel dos Santos (1944, Caruaru), represented by Galatea, and artists Erika Verzutti (1971, São Paulo), Gokula Stoffel (1988, Porto Alegre) and Pélagie Gbaguidi (1965, Dakar), represented by Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel. The curatorial approach explores how different artistic, cultural and social traditions and contexts can intertwine around common concerns. In addition to celebrating the singularities of each artist, the exhibition seeks to place Miguel dos Santos’ oeuvre in a broader perspective, connecting it to themes that traverse contemporary art production.
A fundamental aspect of Galatea Salvador’s project is to create a space for dialogue and cultural exchange between the Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil. The gallery’s collaborative initiatives in the city arise from a desire to broaden its audience and strengthen connections beyond the Southeastern context, expanding interactions with artists, curators, and intellectuals from the Northeast and other regions outside the Rio-São Paulo axis. Its purpose is to serve as a hub for fostering and converging diverse cultures, temporalities, styles, and genres—promoting dynamic interplay, blending, and fusion between the old and the new, the canonical and the non-canonical, the formal and the informal, the erudite and the popular.