León Ferrari
Untitled, 2006
Polyurethane and bones
62 x 62 x 45 cm
[24.5 x 24.5 x 17.5 in]
León Ferrari
Amarrado com arame [Bound with wire], 2006
Bones tied with wire in stainless steel prism
100 x 50 x 60 cm
León Ferrari
União Livre, [Free Union] 2004
Text in Braille on a photograph by Tatiano Maiore. Free Union, by André Breton, Spanish translation by Aldo Pellegrini
18 x 24 cm
León Ferrari
Torradeira [Toaster], 2000
Electric toaster with plastic Christs
29 x 35 x 10 cm
León Ferrari
Inferno [Hell], 2000
Cage with saints and devils
69 x 40 x 40 cm
León Ferrari
Liquidificador [Blender], 2000
Electric blender with saints
25 x 19 x 8.5 cm
León Ferrari
Alfa e ômega [Alpha and Omega], 1997
Jesus’ words written in braille over a reproduction of Ceci est mon cœur. Collage by Jacques Prévert.
40 x 19 cm
León Ferrari
Amai-vos [Love thyselves], 1997
Words of Jesus in braille over Clovis Trouille reproduction
36.5 x 28.5 cm
León Ferrari
Milagre na OEA [Miracle at the OAS], 2006
Ink on paper
72 x 54 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1994
29 x 22 cm
León Ferrari
Apocalypse, 1988
25 x 33.5 cm
León Ferrari
Anjo apocalíptico [Apocalyptic Angel], 1988
23.5 x 21 cm
León Ferrari
O Juízo Final [The final judgement], 1994
19 x 14 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1984
Stainless steel
61 x 30 x 29 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1981
Stainless steel
59 x 29 x 29 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, n.d.
Stainless steel and silver welding
26 x 14 x 14 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1979
Stainless steel
49 x 49 x 49 cm
León Ferrari
Espectadores recíprocos [Reciprocal spectators], 1981
80 x 100 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1981
From the series Xadrez [Chess]
León Ferrari
Passarela [Footbridge], 1981
Original for blueprint
107 x 140 cm
León Ferrari
Autopista del Sur [South Highway], 1980
100 x 100 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1964
Stainless steel, bronze and copper
34 x 22 x 19 cm
León Ferrari
A civilização ocidental e cristã [Western Christian Civilization], 1965
Plastic, oil and plaster
200 x 120 x 60 cm
León Ferrari
De um lado à esquerda [From one side to the left], 1964
Collage and china ink on paper
30 x 20 cm
León Ferrari
Quadro escrito [Written painting], 1964
China ink on paper
66 x 48 cm
León Ferrari
Carta a um general [Letter to a General], 1963
China ink on paper
24 x 14 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1962
China ink on paper
61 x 24 cm
León Ferrari
Untitled, 1962
China ink on paper
46 x 31 cm
L’aimable cruauté
Centre Pompidou, Paris | France, 2022
L’aimable cruauté
Centre Pompidou, Paris | France, 2022
L’aimable cruauté
Centre Pompidou, Paris | France, 2022
34a Bienal de São Paulo
Pavilhão da Bienal, São Paulo | Brasil, 2021
La bondosa crueldad, León Ferrari, 100 años
Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid | Spain, 2020
La bondosa crueldad, León Ferrari, 100 años
Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid | Spain, 2020
Entre ditaduras
MASP, São Paulo | Brasil, 2015
Entre ditaduras
MASP, São Paulo | Brasil, 2015
Entre ditaduras
MASP, São Paulo | Brasil, 2015
Tangled Alphabets León Ferrari and Mira Schendel
MoMA, New York | USA, 2009
Tangled Alphabets León Ferrari and Mira Schendel
MoMA, New York | USA, 2009
Tangled Alphabets León Ferrari and Mira Schendel
MoMA, New York | USA, 2009
Tangled Alphabets León Ferrari and Mira Schendel
MoMA, New York | USA, 2009
Tangled Alphabets León Ferrari and Mira Schendel
MoMA, New York | USA, 2009
27a Bienal de São Paulo
Pavilhão da Bienal, São Paulo | Brasil, 2006